
It's been over seven months, with 40,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazaskAllah khairan.

Elements of Shaafi Fiqh by Umar Abdul Jabbaar

Salaatul Jumu’h

It is obligatory for every sane, adult and healthy residing male Muslim to perform Jumu’h Salaah.

Conditions For The Validity Of Jumu’h Salaah

1. To perform in a town or city

2. To perform in congregation attended by forty people at least

3. To perform at the time of Zuhar Salaah

4. To deliver two Khutbah before the Salaah

5. To not perform any other Jumu’h Salaah before or after the first one in the same town

Arkaan Of Two Khutbah

1. One who delivers the Khutbah must be in the state of purity from both major and minor impurities

2. His clothes, body and the place should be cleansed from impurities

3. His Aurah must be covered

4. The Khutbah should be delivered in standing position, if can

5. He should sit comfortably between both the Khutbah

6. Khutbah should be delivered in a loud voice so that the audience can hear it

7. The Salaah should be begun immediately after the Khutbah without any delay

Excuses That Permit To Leave Jumu’h

Jumu’h Salaah is not obligatory under the following conditions:

1. Sickness

2. Crippling

1. Blindness

2. Heavy rain

How To Get Jumu’h

One who gets one Rak’h with the Imaam will be considered as if he has got the Jumu’h.

He will complete his remaining Rak’h reciting aloud after the Imaam makes Salaam.

But if one does not get any Rak’h with the Imaam then he will intend for Jumu’h and complete the rest of Salaah performing Dhur Salaah.

Acts That Are Sunnah On Jumuah Day

1. To take a bath and purify the body

2. To cut nails

3. To apply Itr-perfume

4. To wear white clothes

5. To listen to the Khutbah attentively

6. To read Takbeer while going to Masjid except the Khateeb


1. What is the ruling concerning Jumu’h Salaah?

2. What are the conditions for the validity of Jumu’h Salaah?

3. What are the essential parts of two Khutbah?

4. What are excuses that permit to not perform Jumu’h?

5. How to get the Jumu’h Salaah?

6. Explain the Sunnah acts of Jumu’h day?

(1) Friday Prayer

Reference: Umar Abdul Jabbaar - Elements of Shaafi Fiqh

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