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Salaah of two Eid are Sunnah Al-Muakkadah for both residing and traveler, free and slave Muslim in congregation or individually. The number of Rak’h is two and the time is from sunrise to Zawaal. (1)
Say Allahu Akbar at the beginning of Salaah. Thereafter, read the opening Du’aa and Ta’awuz. Then say Takbeer seven times. Recite Faatihah and any other Surah aloud.
Make Ruku’ and Sajdah as performed in other Salaah. When standing up from Sajdah for the second Rak’h, say the Takbeer as done in other Salaah and thereafter pronounce extra five Takbeer and complete the Salaah as normal. After performing Salaah, the Imaam will deliver two Khutbah reciting nine Takbeeraat in the first Khutbah and seven in the second one.
1. To take a bath
2. To wear one’s best clothes
3. To read the Takbeer aloud at home, in market and on the way from the early dawn of Eid night till the Imaam begins with the Salaah
4. To read the Takbeer after every Fardh Salaah from the Fajr of Yaum Al-ArafahDhil-Hijjah 9 till the Asr of Ayyaam At-Tashreeq-Dhil-Hijjah 13
1. What is the ruling concerning two Eid Salaah?
2. What is the method of performing Eid Salaah?
3. What acts are Sunnah on Eid days?
(1) Zenith
Reference: Umar Abdul Jabbaar - Elements of Shaafi Fiqh
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