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Elements of Shaafi Fiqh by Umar Abdul Jabbaar

Factors Which Invalidate Salaah Or Make It Makrooh

Factors Which Invalidate Salaah

1. To pass gas

2. To make delay in cleansing impurity when it falls on the body or clothes

3. To delay in covering Aurah when it is exposed

4. To utter a word knowingly

5. To eat purposely something that invalidates fasting

6. To eat something in large quantity by mistake

7. To put three steps continuously even by mistake

8. To walk

9. To jump

10. To add something intentionally which is not the part of Salaah

11. To laugh aloud

12. To change the Niyyah

13. To leave out any Rukn or Shart of Salaah

Factors That Make Salaah Makrooh

There are many Makrooh acts in Salaah. Some of them are as follows:

1. To look on either side by turning the neck without any necessity

2. To look towards the sky

3. To stand on one leg or place the one in front and the other behind or join the both together

4. To spit

5. To blow the nose

6. To recite aloud in Sirree and soft in Jahree Salaah

7. To perform Salaah at graveyard

8. To perform Salaah when one needs to answer to the calls of nature or pass gas

9. To keep the head uncovered

10. To perform Salaah when one is extremely hungry for food and it has been served

11. To crack the fingers or intertwine them


1. What factors invalidate Salaah?

2. What things are Makrooh in Salaah?

(1) One whom marriage is permitted

Reference: Umar Abdul Jabbaar - Elements of Shaafi Fiqh

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