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The Evolution Of Fiqh by Bilal Philips

The Hambalee Madh-hab

The Founder: Imaam Ahmad (778-855 Ce)

The scholar to whom this Madh-hab is attributed is Ahmad ibn Hambal ash-Shaybaanee, who was born in Baghdad in the year 778 CE. He became one of the greatest memorizers and narrators of Hadeeth of his time. Concentrating on the study of Hadeeth, Ahmad studied Fiqh and Hadeeth science under Imaam Abu Yoosuf, the famous student of Abu Haneefah, as well as under Imaam ashShaafi’ee himself. Imaam Ahmad went through a series of persecutions under the caliphs of his time due to their adoption of Mu’tazilite philosophy. He was jailed and beaten for two years by order of Caliph al-Ma’moon (rule 813-842 CE), because of his rejection of the philosophical concept that the Qur’aan was created.

Later set free, he continued teaching in Baghdad until al-Waathiq became caliph (rule 842-846 CE) and renewed the persecution.

Thereupon, Imaam Ahmad stopped teaching and went into hiding for five years until Caliph al-Mutawakkil (847-862 CE) took over.

Caliph al-Mutawakkil ended the inquisition permanently by expelling the Mu’tazilite scholars and officially rejecting their philosophy. Ahmad continued to teach in Baghdad until he died in the year 855 CE.

Formation Of The Hamblee Madh-hab

Imaam Ahmad’s greatest concern was the collection, narration, and interpretation of Hadeeth. His teaching method consisted of dictating Hadeeths from his vast collection known as alMusnad, which contained over 30,000 Hadeeths, as well as the various opinions of the Sahaabah concerning their interpretation. He would then apply the Hadeeths or rulings to various existing problems. If he could not find a suitable Hadeeth or opinion to solve a problem, he would offer his own opinion while forbidding his students to record any of his own solutions. As a result, his Madhhab was recorded, not by his students but by their students.

Sources Of Law Used By The Hambalee Madh-hab

1. The Qur’aan

There was no difference between the way Ahmad ibn Hambal approached Qur’aan and that of those who preceded him. In other words, the Qur’aan was given precedence over all else under all circumstances.

2. The Sunnah

Likewise, the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.w.) occupied the number two position among the fundamental principles used by the foiunder of this school in the deduction of laws. His only stipulation was that it be Marfoo’, i.e. attributed directly to the Prophet (s.w.).

3. Ijmaa’ Of The Sahaabah

Imaam Ahmad recognized the consensus of opinion of the Sahaabah, and placed it in the third position among the fundamental principles. However, he discredited the claims of Ijmaa’ out side the era of the Sahaabah as being inaccurate, due to the vast number of scholars and their wide diffusion throughout the Muslim empire. In his opinion Ijmaa’ after the era of the Sahaabah was impossible.

4. Individual Opinions Of The Sahaabah

If a problem arose in an area where the Shaabah had expressed conflicting opinions, Ahmad, like Maalik, would give credence to all the various individual opinions. Because of that, there developed within the Madh-hab many instances of multiple rulings for individual issues.

5. Hadeeth Da’eef (weak Hadeeth)

For a ruling on a case where none of the previous four principes offered a ready solution, the Imaam used to prefer to use a weak Hadeeth rather than applying his own deductive reasoning (Qiyaas). However, this was on condition that the weakness of the Hadeeth was not due to the fact that one of its narrators was classified as a Faasiq (degenerate), as a Kadh-dhaab (liar).

6. Qiyaas

As a last resort, that is when no other major principle could be directly applied, Ahmad would reluctantly apply the principle of Qiyaas and deduce a solution based on one or more of the previous principles.146

Main Students Of The Hambalee Madh-hab

Imaam Ahmad’s main students were his own two sons, Saalih (died 873 CE) and ‘Abdullaah (died 903 CE). Imaam Bukhaaree and Muslim, compilers of the most outstanding collections of Hadeeth, were among the great scholars of Hadeeth who studied under Imaam Ahmad.147

Followers Of The Hambalee Madh-hab

The majority of the followers of this Madh-hab can now be found in Paledtine and Saudi Arabia. Its suvival in Saudi Arabia, after almost completely dying out elsewhere in the Muslim world, is due to the fact that the founder of the so called Wahhab, had studied under scholars of the Hambalee Madh-hab, and thus it unofficially became the Fiqh Madh-hab of the movement. When ‘abdul- ‘Azeez ibn Sa’oud captured most of the Arabian peninsula and established the Saudi dynasty, he made the Hambalee Madh-hab the basis of the kingdom’s legal system.

145 Bozena Gajanee Strzyzewska, Taareekh at-Tashree’ al-Islaamee, (Beirut, Lebanon: Daar al-Aafaaq al-Jadeedah, 1st ed. 1980), pp. 175, 176.

146 al-Madhkal, pp. 202-203.

147 Taareekh al-Madhaahib al-Islaameeyah, vol. 2, pp. 339-340.

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