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The Evolution Of Fiqh by Bilal Philips

6. Main Reasons For Conflicting Rulings

We have seen that although the Imaams of the four major Madh-habs were all agreed on the primacy of the four fundamental priciples of Islamic law (the Qur’aan, the Sunnah, Ijmaa’and Qiyaas), certain differences have occurred and still exist among the rulings of their Madh-habs. These differences arose for various reasons, the chief ones being related to the following aspects:

interpretation of ward meanings and grammatical constructions; Hadeeth narrations (availability, authenticity, conditions for acceptance, and interpretation of textual conflict); admissibility of certain principles (Ijmaa’, customs of the Madeenites, Istihsaan, and opinions of the Sahaabah); and methods of Qiyaas. Mention will be made of the positions of the four existing Madh-habs where relevant.

153 Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 228.

154 Abdullaah ‘abdul-Muhsin at-Tarki, Asbaab Ikhtilaaf al-Fuqahaa, (Riyadh: Matba’ah as-Sa’aadah, 1st ed. 1974), p. 190. 155 Collected by an-Nasaa’ee and Abu Daawood. See Ahmad Hasan, Sunan Abu Dawud (English Trans.), (Lahore: SH. Muhammad Ashraf, 1984), vol.

1, p. 71. No. 285 this Hadeeth is also collected by Mulim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, pp. 188-9, no. 652) with a variation in wording.

Abu Daawood and an-Nasaa’ee’s narrations are authenticated by alAlbaanee in Irwaa al-Ghaleel (Beirut: al-Maktab al-Islaamee, 1st ed., 1979), vol. 7, p. 199, no. 2118.

156 Collected by Ibn Maajah and authenticated by al-Albaanee in Irwaa alGhaleel, vol.7, p. 200, no. 2120.

157 Purificationwith dust in the absence of water. 158 Soorah an-Nisaa (4): 43 and Sorrah a-Maaidah (5): 6.

159 A ritual state of purity stipulated as a precondition for certain acts of worship.

160 Collected by al-Bukhaaree (Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic-English Trans.), vol. 1, pp. 294-5, no. 498) and Abu Daawood (Sunan Abu Dawud, (English Trans.), vol. 1, pp. 183-4, no. 712).

161 Biddayah al-Mujtahid, vol. 1, pp. 33-34. 162 Collected by Abu Daawood (Sunan Abu Dawud (English Trans.), vol. 1, p. 43, no. 179), at-Tirmidhee, an-Nasaa’ee and Ibn Maajah, and authenticated by al-Albaanee in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood (Beirut: atMaktab al-Islaamee, 1989;, vol. 1, p. 36, no. 165, as well as by Ahmad Shaakir in Jaami’ as-Saheeh, (Beirut: Daar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmeeyah, 1987), vol. 1, pp. 133-134.

163 Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 187. 164 Soorah Maryam (19): 86. 165 Soorah al-Maa’idah (5): 6. 166 Abu Bakr Muhammad (869-910 CE), the son of Imaam Daawood adHDhaahiree.

167 Muhammad ibn ‘Alee ash-Shawkaanee, Nayl al-Awtar, (Egypt: alHalabee Press, last ed., n.d.), vol. 1, p. 168. See also Ibn Qudaamah’s, alMughnee, (Cairo: Maktabah al-Qaahirah, 1968), vol. 1, p. 90.

168 al-Insaaf fee Bayaan Asbaab al-Ikhtilaaf, pp. 42, 43. 169 Nu’aym ib Abdullah al-Mujmir said, “I saw Abu Hurayrah performing ablution. He washed his face completely, then he washed his right arm including a portion of his upper arm…then he said: This is how I saw Allaah’s Messenger (s.w.) make Wudoo” (collected by Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, p. 156, no. 477).

170 The Hadeeth books of Bukhaaree, Muslim, Abu Daawood, at-Tirmidhee, an-Nasaaee and Ibn Maajah.

171 Collected by Muslim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, pp. 423-4, no. 1956).

172 al-Mughnee, vol. 2, p. 320. See also Bidaayah al-Mujtahid, vol. 1, p. 182.

173 Collected by Muslim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, p. 422, no.1948).

174 al-Madkhal, p. 210.

175 Collected by Ibn Maajah from ‘Aa’eshah and rated Da’eef (inaccurate)

by al-Albaanee in Da’eef al-Jaami’ as-Sagheer (Beirut: al-Maktab alIslaamee, 1079), vol. 5, p. 167, no. 5434.

176 Hadeeth reported byone of the Students of the Sahaabah without mentioning the name of the sahabee from whom he had heard it.

177 Ibn Taymeeyah, Raf’ul-Malaam ‘an al-A’immah al-A’laam, (Beirut: alMaktab al-Islaamee, 3rd . ed. , 1970), p. 31.

178 Reported by ‘Umar and abu Sa’eed al-Khudree and colected by allBukhaaree (Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic-English.), vol.1. p. 322, no 555), Muslim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, pp. 335-6, no. 1271).

179 Reported by Abu Qataadah and collected by al-Bukharee (Sahih AlBukhari, (Arabic-English), vol. 1, pp. 259-60, no. 435), Muslim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 1, p. 347, no. 1540) and Abu Dawood (Sunan Abu Dawud (English Trans.), vol, 1, p. 120, no 467).

180 The latter position is supported by the Prophet’s (s.w.) practise of praying missed voluntary prayers of Dhuhur after the compulsory prayers of ‘Asr which was reported by Umm Salamah and collected by al-Bukhaaree (Sahih Al-Bukhari (Arabic-English) vo. 1, p. 325, chapter 33) and Muslim (Sahih Muslim (English Trans.), vol. 2, pp. 398-8, no1815). Seen also Bidaayah al-Mujtahid, vol. 1, pp. 66-91.

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