
It's been over seven months, with 40,000+ civilians killed in P41estine the majority of whom are women and children. Similarly with Muslims worldwide (Burma, Kashmir, Uygurs in East Turkestan etc..), and the silence of "Muslim" rulers is deafening. The only solution is for Muslims to mobilize their armies and unite under a single umbrella of Khilafah, which is the promise of Allah SWT. If you are in a position of power, please raise your voice. If you can't do much, please consider donating to Palestine Red Crescent Society or any other charity organisations which you truly trust, JazaskAllah khairan.

Understanding Usul Al-Fiqh by Abu Tariq Hilal - Abu Ismael al-Beirawi

4.3 Basic Terms in Hadith

• Sanad: ( ع ٕذ ) A chain of reporters leading back to the Prophet (saw).

• Tabaqah: (غرمس ) A class of reporters in the same generation, i.e. Sahabah, Tabi‟een.

• Marfu‟: ( شِفٛع ) A Hadith whose Sanad leads to the Prophet (saw).

• Mawquf: (ِٛلٛف ) A Hadith whose Sanad ends with a Sahabi.

• Mursal: (شِعً ) A Hadith leading to the Prophet (saw) but missing the name of the Sahabi who reported it.

• Qudsi: (لذعٟ ) A Hadith whose Sanad leads to Prophet (saw) and the Prophet (saw) is reporting it from Allah (swt).

The report of Hadith Qudsi can begin in one of two ways:

a) The Prophet (saw) says reporting from Allah (swt).

b) Allah (swt) has said as reported by His Messenger (saw).

Types of Hadith:

Different types of Ahadith exist due to the method of transmission, number of reporters in each class, and the authenticity of the Hadith.

Mutawatir / Tawatur: a Daleel transmitted by an indefinite number of people. Due to the large number of people reporting the Daleel and their diversity of residence, reliability, and conviction, it is inconceivable that this Daleel could be fabricated.

The minimum number of transmitters that are required to classify a Daleel as Mutawatir is generally five. However, some scholars may have more stringent criteria. The character of the reporters narrating Mutawatir Ahadith has to be noble.

Ahad: (آقحد ) Riwayah Ahad is a number less than the Mutawatir.

Mashoor: A Hadith reported by at least three individuals in every class (Sahabah, Tabi‟een, etc.).

„Aziz: A Hadith reported by at least two individuals in every class.

Gharib: A Hadith reported by only one individual in one or more classes.


A Hadith narrated by an „Adl (not known for misconduct) and Daabit (maintains accuracy of the report) person from another person of similar qualities until the end of the report. The report should also exclude any Shudhudh (disagreement with other credible reporters).


It has two definitions:

a) A Hadith, which meets the requirements of Sahih to a lesser degree.

b) A Hadith, which is acceptable by the majority of the Fuqaha.


A weak Hadith which does not meet the requirement of either the Sahih or the Hasan Hadith, it can be one of the following:

Mu‟alaq: A Hadith which is missing one or more reporters either at the beginning of the Isnad, in the middle or in the end.

Mu‟addal: Hadith which is missing two or more consecutive reporters.

Munqati: A Hadith which has interruption in the class.

Ash-Shaath: A Hadith in which one credible reporter reports something that disagrees with other credible reporters.

Mu‟allal: A Hadith whose Sanad seems to be fine, but due to some reasons discovered by scholars, it is discredited.

Munkar: A Hadith in which non-credible reporters convey a message, which is in disagreement with what, was reported by credible reporters.

Mawd‟u: A fabricated Hadith.

Reference: Understanding Usul Al-Fiqh - Abu Tariq Hilal - Abu Ismael al-Beirawi

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